Sunday, September 23, 2012

WE'RE HOME! 9-23-2012

We arrived home Thursday afternoon but didn't tell anyone that we were coming.  It was a surprise for all.  Our daughters came over that evening and both of them wanted in my lap!  Isn't family wonderful.

We were also back in time to meet with some of our high school friends on Friday.  We gather quarterly and have a great time.

I realize I got behind on the blog so if you don't mind, I will back up and continue to add more of our travels as time allows.  Thanks for following our adventures.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Again I am behind in the blog.  For those people kind enough to read my blog I apologize.  Life gets in the way and it does take time to post.  We have been in Indianna for a while and enjoyed visiting several motor coach manufacturing companies and made some new friends.  We are headed toward home and hope to get to outside of Hermann, MO today.  Going into town while there to get our "wine fix".  We love the "Cross J" from Stone Hill.  I'll try to get caught up very soon.  I took some great photos at the Indianapolis Speedway.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


We  came to Frankenmuth before Deana was born.  It was amazing then but it has really grown since then! Bronners was large stone building full of Christmas items.  That was nothing to what it is now.  It now covers the size of 3 football fields.  Amazing!


The first time we were in Sault Ste. Marie was when our daughters were young.  We visited the locks in the evening.  It was the first time we ever saw and ocean liner or cruise ship.  We were mesmerized by the size!  It was like a moving building.  This time as we looked at it with educated eyes, we had a different view of everything.  There we stood with Canada just on the other side of the water.  It's still a thrill to watch the process.