Monday, April 22, 2013

YES, I am behind again.

I am very much behind on my blog.  When we were in Savannah, GA.  Tom's eye became irritated and by the time we drove to Charleston, SC the next day, he was in pain and I took him to the ER.  We were sent to a cornea specialist because he had a pseudomona ulcer from extended wear contacts and could not see from that eye.  We were told by several doctors since then that it is false advertising to wear contacts for extended periods with no side effects.  Tom was the lucky one to be the "example".  Don't wear contacts for extended periods!  They need to be out at night

We spent the next month going to doctor.  Every day at first then every other day for a while and finally twice a week.

Finally his vision improved enough for him to drive the coach to Florence, SC and camp close to my family there.  We just had to drive back to Charleston twice a week for a few weeks but it gave us time to visit with family and enjoy Easter with them.  Finally the Dr.  said we could drive home slowly and she set us up with Dr. appointment with Silverstein when we arrived.
About 10 days before arriving home (April 8), Tom also developed a heart problem which we watched very closely.  He didn't want to get stuck with strange doctors out of town.  His pulse was doing double-time and blood pressure was up at first then slowed closer to normal.  The Angels surely were looking over us as we made the journey home.  Dr. said he could have had a stroke at any time and his vision from that eye was limited.  He was put in hospital the next morning after arrival and spent several days on medications and they shocked his heart back into normal rhythm.  He will be under heart and eye doctors care for a few months yet.  Thank God for brilliant caring doctors.  We have had the BEST.  Next time I get on here I will share some of the fun things we did while "stranded" in SC.