Friday, August 9, 2013

Time gets away 8-9-13

Well time really gets away and yet in some way it seems like we have been doing nothing and then a lot.  Tom had his heart ablation and just stayed in hospital overnight.  Things went perfectly and his ticker is now fixed again for a few years.  Yea!!! 

He has also had his cornea transplant and we were blessed to have it go perfectly also.  It is amazing what these doctors can do.  Doctor Silverstein in Independence did it.  Now it is just being patient for the healing which will take a long time.  He is still not driving because he has double vision in that eye right now.  It has only been almost 3 weeks so can't expect much.  We see the Dr. again 9-5-13 and hope that he will be able to drive before then and that the doctor will release us to travel for a while.  Here is a picture of the fine stitches the doctor was able to put in the transplanted cornea.  It is totally amazing.

Home from Surgery

We have been staying at Trailside Good Sam Campground in Grain Valley, MO.  We like the campground and location except it is so far back to drive into Raytown (which we do quite often).  Good people run the camp and there is a nice laundry and pool.  I like the way they care about their campers and notice if they have seen someone around their RV for a while and check on them.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

I"M BACK! (7/6/2013)

I am so bad!  Brother, Bob, says I have an obligation to keep up a blog once it is started.  So much has happened since writing on this blog the last time.  We went to Florence, SC. and continued driving down to the Doctor's office twice a week.  We spent a happy Easter with the family.  Tom then started developing racing heart.  Twice the normal beat but would not see a Dr. about it.  On April 5, 2011 we left Florence towards home and made it there by the grace of God.  We arrived in Lee's Summit, MO. on the 8th.  We made an appointment to see Dr. as soon are we arrived and he sent him straight to the hospital.  After a lot of tests, they decided he had no blood clots so they "Shocked" him into regular rhythm. After staying a few days in the hospital, regulating medication and blood thinner, he was sent home.  It was decided that he would return for a heart ablation in the near future so he could get off some of his medicines. 

As for his eye, he has been seeing Dr. Silverstein.  Treatments have continued.  He will have a cornea transplant July 23rd.  He will have his heart ablation done July 10.  This will be a busy month for him.

We have had a great visit with lots of friends and family since being back in the KC area.  Family, birthdays, Raytown Summerfest, and holidays.  We have been staying mostly at the Good Sam RV Park in Grain Valley, MO.  Not too many parks in the KC area.  We have been pleased with the park and the caring people there.  It has a pool but only be in a couple of times when nieces and their children came.  I should be taking advantage of it more.  Everything is convenient here - shopping, restaurants, dog park, etc.  The only downside is the miles driving back and forth to family and friends in Raytown, Lees Summit, and Overland Park.

We were hoping to be gone by now to Maine and that area but we must get Tom well first.  Looks like we will be staying here until around late Aug. if things go as planned.

I will try to back up in time and add more about the previous months.

Monday, April 22, 2013

YES, I am behind again.

I am very much behind on my blog.  When we were in Savannah, GA.  Tom's eye became irritated and by the time we drove to Charleston, SC the next day, he was in pain and I took him to the ER.  We were sent to a cornea specialist because he had a pseudomona ulcer from extended wear contacts and could not see from that eye.  We were told by several doctors since then that it is false advertising to wear contacts for extended periods with no side effects.  Tom was the lucky one to be the "example".  Don't wear contacts for extended periods!  They need to be out at night

We spent the next month going to doctor.  Every day at first then every other day for a while and finally twice a week.

Finally his vision improved enough for him to drive the coach to Florence, SC and camp close to my family there.  We just had to drive back to Charleston twice a week for a few weeks but it gave us time to visit with family and enjoy Easter with them.  Finally the Dr.  said we could drive home slowly and she set us up with Dr. appointment with Silverstein when we arrived.
About 10 days before arriving home (April 8), Tom also developed a heart problem which we watched very closely.  He didn't want to get stuck with strange doctors out of town.  His pulse was doing double-time and blood pressure was up at first then slowed closer to normal.  The Angels surely were looking over us as we made the journey home.  Dr. said he could have had a stroke at any time and his vision from that eye was limited.  He was put in hospital the next morning after arrival and spent several days on medications and they shocked his heart back into normal rhythm.  He will be under heart and eye doctors care for a few months yet.  Thank God for brilliant caring doctors.  We have had the BEST.  Next time I get on here I will share some of the fun things we did while "stranded" in SC.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

GEORGIA (Savannah)


 Self powered bar.   Ha Ha


We were so excited to be eating at Paula Deen's Restaurant but were very disappointed in the food and the prices.  Other people had told us not to go but we didn't believe them and had to try it.  Don't waste your time and money.  Plenty of great places in Savannah.


FLORIDA (Jacksonville, FL)

This was one of the prettiest camp grounds which we have stayed.  Unfortunately we only stayed the night so we could visit with Duffy and Sandy Merrill who we met last year in Tucson, AZ.  They took us out to  dinner and we had a great visit in person rather than on Facebook.  Thanks Merrills!

FLORIDA (Sun City Center & Shirley Bennett)

We left out for a one day excursion to see Shirley Bennett at her new home in Sun City Center.  She has a lovely home which would be my dream home if we ever quite living in RV.  It has a large kitchen, 2 bedrooms, a study, and lanai with screen/glass room overlooking golf course.  She can travel most places she needs in her golf cart, church, shopping, etc.

 From here, we went to see the Manatee near the power plant.  Since the weather was not hot yet, they gather in this bay.  It is interesting to just watch them.

It was strawberry season in Florida and Shirley wanted to take us to the strawberry field where they serve the BEST strawberry shortcake.  Who were we to deny her this pleasure?  :)  They were the biggest and best we ever saw.  Piles of soft serve over moist cake, covered with fresh strawberries and surrounded by whipped cream!  Yum