Thursday, May 31, 2012


Well another month is coming to an end and a new chapter in our lives is beginning!  We are camped at Blue Springs Lake campground in Lees Summit, MO this week.  It is a good location for preparation of Raytown's BBQ Competition Summerfest.  Tom is Co-chairman and starting work this week on electrical.  They have to run power to all the contestants and other booths.  The actual festival is next weekend.  We will leave here and park the coach at the Raytown Summerfest next Wednesday.  It will serve as an office and security.  That Sunday we will move to Longview Lake Campground until after Father's Day and Rotary Installation of new officers.  Come join in the food, fun, and music with us next weekend!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

SUNDAY 5-28-12

It is finished! Sunday we took the last of anything we had out of the house.  Items remaining at Sheila's from our garage sale was taken to Goodwill (5-6 SUVs full).  We are now officially houseless and  now "Anywhere USA"!!!  We are presently staying at Blue Springs Lake Campground until the Raytown Summerfest BBQ weekend of June 7-9. We will be camped at the BBQ then on to Longview Campground until the week after Fathers' Day.  Not sure of next destination yet.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


WELL IT IS FINISHED!  We had our last garage sale at the Rodriguez house this week. 

(Sorry but this blog always turns photos to original direction on phone)

We took 5 or 6 SUV loads of stuff to Goodwill when we closed last night.  We grabbed some dinner on the way home and fell asleep on the sofa by 8 pm.  Got up at 8:30 PM and went to bed.  Tom slept about 10 hours and I slept 12 hours.  Amazing!