Friday, August 9, 2013

Time gets away 8-9-13

Well time really gets away and yet in some way it seems like we have been doing nothing and then a lot.  Tom had his heart ablation and just stayed in hospital overnight.  Things went perfectly and his ticker is now fixed again for a few years.  Yea!!! 

He has also had his cornea transplant and we were blessed to have it go perfectly also.  It is amazing what these doctors can do.  Doctor Silverstein in Independence did it.  Now it is just being patient for the healing which will take a long time.  He is still not driving because he has double vision in that eye right now.  It has only been almost 3 weeks so can't expect much.  We see the Dr. again 9-5-13 and hope that he will be able to drive before then and that the doctor will release us to travel for a while.  Here is a picture of the fine stitches the doctor was able to put in the transplanted cornea.  It is totally amazing.

Home from Surgery

We have been staying at Trailside Good Sam Campground in Grain Valley, MO.  We like the campground and location except it is so far back to drive into Raytown (which we do quite often).  Good people run the camp and there is a nice laundry and pool.  I like the way they care about their campers and notice if they have seen someone around their RV for a while and check on them.