Saturday, April 21, 2012

Kansas Speedway 4-21/22-2012

We drove the motor coach and camped at the Kansas Speedway for the first time.  We have had season tickets for years but always had to drive to and from each day.  It is a large parking lot with no hookups.  This is our first adventure of dry camping multiple days and things have gone fine.  We drove out Thursday since we were new at it.  Sharon and Brad Riemal (who have seats next to us) came out today and had brunch with us before the truck races.  They enjoyed seeing our new home.  They said we were the happiest "homeless" people they knew.  We are at the end of track between 3rd and 4th turn.  We cannot see the track from our coach but see a lot of activity outside.  They even have "Johnny on the Spots" and free shower if we needed them for any reason.


Friday we went over to the new casino on the 2nd turn of track.  We played some slots and left a "donation".  From the 2nd floor restaurant you may walk out on a balcony and view the track.  Some of the cars were doing practice runs.

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