Sunday, June 24, 2012

SUNDAY 6-24-12

 Time passes quickly when you are having fun.  The Summerfest BBQ in Raytown went very well.  The weather was perfect and a lot of people came.  Since we had the coach parked on the grounds, we had happy hour outside of it every night after closing. 
 I helped with the face painting.

Dog costume contest

 Red Solo Cup!

Sorry the photos are not better but this phone doesn't do too good in the dark.

Today we went to see Aunt Betty Lou in the nursing home before we leave town.  She is doing much better and hopes to go home this Wednesday.

Also we went to Ron and Mary's home for a great gathering of the family.  It was Lori's birthday and we have several other birthdays coming up and we wanted to see everyone before we left.  We were sorry to miss John's kids.  They must have had other plans.  The weather was close to 100 degrees so the kids made good use of their pool.  We are so blessed to have a close family!

 6 week old great nephew, Tobias King, son of David and Nyla King
What a sweetie!

Tomorrow we will leave Lees Summit, MO and go to Warsaw,  MO to visit Hocketts.  Whenever we leave there, it's on to Herman, MO to stock up on wine, summer sausage and pepperoni marinara cheese for the road.  We will start heading north from there.  No definate plans but will have to be home for the first weekend in October for girls scrapbook weekend and the Nascar Races in Kansas.  I will try to do better keeping up with the blog.

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