Saturday, October 13, 2012


Each spring and fall, lovers of scrapbooking gather for a weekend of fun and exchanging of ideas.  A lot of pages are created.  We hold our at the Embassy Suites in Overland Park, KS off Metcalf.  In our two bedroom suite are, Alisa Sherwood ("daughter" from another mother), our daughters, Sheila Rodriguez and Deana McKenzie, and myself, "Mama" to all.  Because it is such a great experience, we have chosen to extend our stay to two extra days.  One before the others arrive and one after. 

Sheila is a "Creative Memories" ( consultant and always has products to sell to all who need them.  She has many other people "under" her that take rooms too too.  In the past, we were part of a huge group of many consultants (about 3 floors of rooms). This year we we split to start our own event.  It was strange with so few people but we believe it will grow.  Because of starting our own, the hotel offered us the Vice Presidential suite.  IT IS PERFECT.   In the past, we had the same two bedrooms and two baths with a regular size living room.  In the new suite, we have so much more room in the living area.  In the reg. suites, by the time we rearrange furniture and set up 4 folding tables, there is barely room to walk around the tables and very cramped for showing scrapbooking supplies.
The new room already has a big conference table in it - just right for the 4 of us; a tv area and an entry area.  No one wanted to leave Monday afternoon.  :)

  View from our window.


Included with the rooms at Embassy Suites is a fresh Hot Breakfast and an evening Happy Hour and it is great to have a big breakfast and the social time together in the evening.  Some of the ladies that were not able to attend did come up just to visit with us and see what was happening.  How great is that!

Sally even shared her birthday with all of us.

Each year we have a different theme.  This year was Baseball.

 We decorate the windows and put our ironing boards in the hallway to display our creations to share with others.

Play time!

 When in Sault Ste., Michigan we bought Daughters these shirts.  We just couldn't resist!


Things are all cleaned up and put back in to order.  Now we are looking forward to coming back in the Spring.

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