Monday, February 25, 2013

Leaving Harlingen, TX

 "Daddy! Wake up!  It's time to get "on the road again"!
It's  always fun to move on but always hard to say "So long".
On January 30, 2013 we headed out to Houston Texas

On the east of Houston, we stayed at a campground in Baytown, TX.  At first I thought the sign said Raytown and I took a double-take.  It turns out that when Tom first was registering the website for his engineering company, GDS Engineering, it was already taken by a company in Baytown.  His cousin Jerry happened to have done business with this company and gave Tom his coffee mug.  What a coinsidence!
Tom's cousins, Jerry and Stella Cairns, live in Mt. Belleview, TX which was close to our campground (as we planned).  In our busy lives raising families, we never had much time to spend with each other in the past, so the days there were very special to us.  They were so gracious and devoted their time showing us the area and their lovely home.   Thank You!

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