Thursday, March 21, 2013

FLORIDA (Sarasota & Ringling's Museum) March 6, 2013

We took a day trip with Kellys to Sarasota.  We had been there before  but had not gone to Circus Museum.  We thought it would be very "hokie" but it was great and it takes a full day to really see it.  It is on the beachfront estate of Ringling.  It includes a couple of circus museums, nicely done; the estate home; art gallery and beautiful grounds with rose garden.  We could recommend it to anyone.

The Circus Museum celebrates the American circus, its history, and unique relationship to Sarasota. Established in 1948, the museum was the first in the country to document the rich history of the circus.


 Detail was fantastic!  This man made every tiny thing you would see in a circus during its heydays before TV.
Can you see the sausages hanging from the tree?


The Grounds of the Estate was such a peaceful place to walk and ponder.


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