Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 7 - Pig Roast


This afternoon we had a "Pig Roast" in the RV Park. Tickets were sold for $5 each and you brought a side dish in one of three catagories. They sold 650 tickets! The weather was very cloudy (around 60 degrees) with chances of showers but fun was still had by all. They closed a section of street for games and had live music going on in the hall all afternoon. The evening culminated with dinner of delicious pork and a huge array of side dishes and desserts. It was amazing how quickly and efficiently they put that many people through the line. Everyone was seated and they would send one table at a time to the line, similar to dismissing people from a wedding ceremony. Here are some photos from the games. Two men had a drag race on their motorized coolers. That drew a good crowd and cheers. One of the unusual things was blowing huge bubbles. I just knew someone was going to get hit up side the head by one but didn't see that. They had lots of other things to play also. Hope you enjoy the photos.


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