Saturday, February 4, 2012


I haven't added anything to this for a while because things have been pretty normal around here.  We have each had a day or two of feeling "off" but everyone is fine now.  We have just enjoyed "hanging out", meeting people, and going out to eat.  The weather has been in upper 70s - lower 80s but it is about to change.  Next week is to be colder 40's and 50's with chances of rain and wind.  Sound like a good week to work on some indoor projects.

Cousin Edna Hockett and our friend Carolyn Kaufman are constantly making jewelry from bead and wire wrapping unique stones.  Each Sat. morning they participate in a crafts sale at one resort after another.  They sell enough to support their "habit".  They do beautiful work.  Attached are photos from their sale today, which was in our park.   I bought a black, gold, silver band bracelet.  Go Tigers!  If anyone sees something they'd like to buy, they are happy to ship.  Every first Sat. of the month, they have a bazaar on a main street in downtown Harlingen.  We plan to go this afternoon to see what they have.

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