Friday, February 24, 2012


We spent a couple of nights in Alvarado, TX at the Motor Home Specialists, where we bought our new coach.  We had some minor repairs to get fixed.  They have a huge operation there, complete with stalls to park in your coach during your stay.  We left out of there to our next destination - Van Horn, Texas - to visit Van Horn High,
since Tom and I both graduated from Van Horn High School in Independence, MO.

As we headed west along southern Texas, we saw a lot of oil rigs and wells and wind turbines.  The land was pretty barren and sandy.  We then came into an area covered with sand dunes.  If I had just opened my eyes not knowing where I was, I would have thought we were at the beach.  It looked just like it, plants and all.  Once upon a time all of the western part of the US was under the ocean so there is still lots of sand, rocks, fossils, etc.  Before reaching Van Horn, the landscape started to change and mountains were seen off in the distance. 


When we reached Van Horn, it was 81 degrees and sunny.  The wind blew all day during our trip and really wore Tom out.  We were tired but wanted to visit Van Horn High before the sun dropped.  We  quickly set up then drove into town.  The town was a little run down but the school looked great.  We'd say they could be sister schools. They both are red and gray.  One is the Falcons and this one is the Eagles.

After a great brisket dinner at the camp ground diner, we turned in early only to be awaked by very strong winds.  So strong that we had to get up and pull the "slides" in on the coach (est. 40 -60 MPH).  The canvases were flapping and the coach was rocking.  When we awoke the next morning, we found out what was blowing in.... the temperature had dropped from 81 the night before to 35 degrees!  Brrrrrrrrrrrrr  So after a warm breakfast in the diner, we took off towards Tuscon, Arizona.

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