Sunday, February 12, 2012


Every Thursday afternoon from 3-6 pm there is music and fun at happy hour here in Park Place RV Park.  These photos are of cousins, Edna & Larry Hockett, Donna & Tom Gibbens, Carolyn & Dell Kaufman.  The last photo includes one of our musicians, Dick Anderson.  He and his brother, play and sing for us during Happy Hour.  "Red Solo Cup" is one of our many favorite songs to sing along to.  There is dancing and line dancing too.  It's a fun time.


There is always a dance somewhere in the "Valley".  Friday we joined a large group at one of these dances.  The music was great! It was all created by a very talented young man, Diago.  He used an electric keyboard which he could squeeze out the sounds of any band and he sang to all of them.  We had everything from Glen Miller, to Rock, Polka, Country and beyond.  He was amazing and we all enjoyed the evening.  Edna had Larry sneek up and talk to Diago, who later had me stand while he and everyone else sang "Happy Birthday" to me.  It was fun but embarrassing.

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