Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Door County, WI   July 15, 2012  

Sunday we set off on a drive.  It brought to mind days of when we were young and Dad would pile us all in the car for a Sunday Drive.  This was one of our "family things" and gas was cheap.  We would be gone for an hour to all day.

Door County is a finger of land into Lake Michigan.  It  is a popular tourist destination with quaint towns and scenic views.  One of the things they are famous for are their sweet red cherry crop and is the 4th largest producing area in the nation.  Unfortunately, with the weather in this past year, their production was only 10% of their normal.  There go the prices again!

Most people like to go spend some time in this area but we didn't want to take the coach there so we rode through in one day.  We heard a lot about their famous "Viking Fish Boils" and were looking forward to trying it.  Unfortunately they are only served at restaurants in the evening.  Some make quite a production of it.  Here is one recipe we found for home.

16 Chunks of Whitefish (2" Slices)
16 Small Red Potatoes (Ends Cut Off)
16 Small Onions (Peeled)
1/2 lb.  Salt
2 Gallons of Water
Add 1/4 lb. of salt to water and bring to a boil.  Add potatoes and boil for 12 minutes.  Add onions and boil for 4 minutes more.  Add fish and 1/4 lb. of salt.  Boil for 10 minutes and drain into Colander.  Serve with melted butter, lemon and coleslaw.

It all starts with a blazing bonfire under a kettle of salted water. People circle around to warm themselves and take in the crisp smell. When the temperature is just right and the crackle of the fire is just loud enough, the boil master adds a basket of potatoes and onions to the kettle. A few crackles later, the mild whitefish steaks, fresh from Lake Michigan, are delicately lowered in. At just the right moment, kerosene is tossed into the fire, exciting the blaze and causing the water to boil over, dramatically carrying off the fish oil that has collected on top. The fish are pulled out and greeted with a generous drizzling of butter.  This started as a way to feed lots of lumbermen and fishermen and became a tourist favorite.

Great winter spot too

Look at this license. How appropriate.

Because of the weather, there are numerous Wineries in Door Co. also. We tried to stop at as many as possible and sample their goods.  There was one we enjoyed the most, Simon Creek, and ended up with a supply to enjoy in the future.

For those who enjoy lighthouses, because of location, they have their share....

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