Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012  Berry Picking    

We had a really nice rain shower in the night last night and it was still overcast and misty until mid morning.  When the weather cleared we headed out to pick berries.  We stopped at one farm but they just had apple orchards (which are not ripe yet).  We had a really nice visit with the man that lived there.  We had some good chuckles.  He said he stopped in KC once to get a burger but the waitress had such an "accent" and talked so fast that he could not understand her. He finally just wrote down his order for her,   :)  These people don't seem to talk any different than us but we are told quite often that they can tell we are from the south (dang - everthing else is south of here!) and we had a "twang".  Now that's funny!  Another farm we stopped at looked like it belonged to old hippies.  That man was a character too.  He had stuff everywhere.  Old cars, solar panels, laundry, etc.  His farm is organic and totally run by sun and wind.  He even had an electric car and truck.  Here is the car.  He was waiting for a new motor for it.

We went to Blue Vista Farm next and thoroughly enjoyed our time there.  Beside orchards and berries, they had a field of flowers.  It was just a joy to walk through them.  Lots of Bees and Hummingbirds too.  Because we are limited on freezer space, we could not pick too many berries but BOY ARE THEY GOOD!  Nothing like we buy in our stores.  They were $2.50 lb.  Guess we will just have to eat as many as we can while we are here.  Tee Hee

1 comment:

AmyLovesLife said...

Oh my goodness...fresh blueberries are my FAVORITE!!! I can't tell you how good that sounds. I highly doubt there's going to be any berry picking around here with this drought (sp?) Guess I'll have to settle for blueberry jam and blueberry poptarts.