Saturday, July 28, 2012

New Campground North of Duluth   July 22, 2012 

A minor miracle happened.  On Saturday, one of the campgrounds north of Duluth that we wanted to move to called and said they had a cancellation for Sunday if we wanted it.  We packed up first thing Sunday morning and drove north.  We were so very pleased we asked if we cound spend a week and they said yes but we have to leave the following Sunday.  This campground gets about 100 calls a day so all you do is leave a voice message.  We later found out that they are taking a few reservations still for 2013 and even some for 2014!  How we got so lucky we don't know.  Thank you Lord.

This campground is in Two Harbors, MN.  It is wooded and on the shore.  Just what we needed to get revitalized.  Lexi loves it too.  She has been about to wear her nose out sniffing trails of critters although we have not seen any of them.

Lexi also enjoys walking the shore

Ships come in to all these harbors along the coast to have trains bring in ore to load into them by conveyers.

Tugboat Edna G
 Two Harbors is a cute town with banners, flowers, and not very big but popular with people of all ages to enjoy the summer.

There is constant traffic of campers, tents and motor homes coming and going.  Most of them have bicycles to ride the wonderful paved trails around the coast.  Motor cycles love the area too.  Many grandparents have their grandchildren with them.   I wish we were able to have one or more of ours join us too but timing just didn't work out.  We miss them very much.


We met two couples camping across the road from us.  They have been friends since school and traveled together while their children were at home and now continue the fun.  We had great evenings around the campfire together while they were here.  I have seen two-sided metal pans on a long rod before but never knew what they are.  They taught us well.  One night they said let's make pies.  Pies?  Yes    You butter a slice of bread, put butter side down.  Then put on a graham cracker, pie filling and one or two marshmallows, then another slice of butter bread on top, butter side up.  This is then pressed between the two round metal pans and toast it over the fire.  OMG!  That was GOOD!  Then we substituted pie filling with Hershey chocolate bar.  Oh Mama!


We sat there stuffed and thought up all kinds of other combinations from Peanut Butter Cup to Pizza.
This has been a great break from traveling and touring all the time.  Great Week.

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