Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 5, 2012  Leaving Hannibal going to Madison, WI

Today we took off towards Wisconsin,  the roads are rough because of the extreme heat and first thing, the salad plates in the upper cupboard committed suicide.  They hopped out and all broke except 2.  What a mess.  It is beautiful farm land.  The crops look stressed because of the 100 degree temperatures and lack of water.  Wish I could shrivel up a little too.. Unfortunately, I am growing but not in a good way.

We had to drive through Iowa to get to Wisconsin.  Oh what a horrible trip.  Their roads were terrible to start with then combined with the extreme heat expansion.  We were bounced, vibrated, and jolted across the state.  Finally we arrived at the Wisconsin border!  The roads were better.   By the time we arrived at the KOA in DeForest, WI  we were all exhausted.  Even Lexi.   As we started setting up we noticed the steps that expand out from the coach were broken and the bar on the tow bar was bent, and the sliding door to the closet jumped off the track but luckily was not broken.  Now, does that tell you how bad the roads were?!  We are staying here for a week before heading north.

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