Saturday, July 28, 2012

The North Shore - Thursday, July 26, 2012

One place we wanted to explore before leaving the area was up the north shore of  Lake Superior from Two Harbors so we left around 9 am and drove north.  The sky was heavy with clouds and temperatures were low.  The forests and shore were beautiful.  Then it started to rain.  The rain was beautiful too.  We have seen so little of it for so long.

North Shore Steel

We were told to drive into town and go as far as you can before going in the water to find the very best donuts!  Tom had to try out a few and gave them 2 thumbs up!  Good donuts but I will take Dougboys in Raytown any time over these (except in hot weather)!

Great mixture of Birch, Aspen, Pine, etc.

Smokey the Bear

Golden Rod

We stopped at the Rangers' Station and learned that Smokey was a real bear found in a fire in New Mexico.  He was a black bear and his feet were burnt.  His original name was Hot Foot Teady.  After burns healed he was sent to Washington DC National Zoo.  Campaign began after that around 1944.

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