Monday, July 30, 2012

July 29, 2012   Moved on to Apostle Islands Campgrounds, Bayview, WI

We drove back through Deluth and across the channel to Superior then back NE along the South Shore of Lake Superior.  We drove through lots of beautiful forest and a couple of tiny towns, following the shore all the way.  I was wondering exactly where Tom had picked for us to camp this time.  Even after we got settled I was in doubt.  The view was great and they said they had been having some trouble with bears in the trash so put things away at night.  He did good again. Little did we realize that the town we searched out, Bayview, WI, is quite a tourist location and there is berry picking and orchards,  I'm now ready to spend more time here.

1 comment:

AmyLovesLife said...

Conner was fascinated by the bear trap! Haha...he thinks he should go on a trip with you. :) Miss you guys!
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