Friday, March 30, 2012

BBQ in Kansas 3-30

We are camped outside of  Ottowa, Kansas.  We could have made it home but decided not to push it. We enjoyed dinner at a nearby BBQ recommended by the couple running the campground.  It is said that they used to send ribs to Johnny Carson.  The ribs were fall off the bone and moist.  The red neck beer mugs and bbq pitcher were a hoot. Wish I had some.  The food was served on newspaper lined with foil.  Easy clean up!  We will be home tomorrow morning.

The bbq pitcher had a handle too like the mugs

Albuquerque, New Mexico 3-28

On our way home, we stayed a couple of days in Albuquerque.  The weather in the Midwest looked threatening so we were in no hurry to drive into it.  Since we had been there the previous summer, we did not do a lot of touring.  We did, however, go to the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History.  The Museum is dedicated to preserving and presenting information about scientific, historic, and cultural aspects of the Atomic Age, from it's conception to present time.  Very educational and interesting about good and bad of  Nuclear Science.

We just selected a few things to photograph but it brought back memories of growing up with the threat of nuclear fallout from "Duck and Cover" to shelters, etc.  They also had exhibits about nuclear medicine amound other things.  Of course everyone loves the planes, etc. and we were no exception.

And of course, we had to get racing!


 One of the places we saw on our last visit was "Kelly's Brew Pub".  It was an old Ford Dealership that was refurbished into a great restaurant on Route 66.  Albuquerque’s premier hotspot for food, entertainment and of course beer. With over 20 in-house brews to choose from, plus "brew your own" parties.  We sat outside because it was a beautiful day. The food was good.  The french fries were a mixture of regular and sweet potatoes.  I can remember dealerships like this when I was a child.  It's great to see one preserved.  The Univ. of Arizona is nearby and you can tell it is one of their major "hangouts".

A drive through town on Route 66 is a MUST!  Oh the memories....

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tues 3-27

The morning started bright and early.  At 6 AM we gave Bob a fond “farewell” and we hit the road to get across Phoenix before the traffic got so heavy.  They have at least 4 lanes across each way but it still gets to be like a slowly moving parking lot.  After an hour drive, we stopped at Cracker Barrel for a hearty breakfast before approaching the RV Dealer.  They pulled the coach out of their lot with the front brace on the “bad slide out”.  This did not do the job.  It was still trying to push out so one of the energetic workers fashioned new bases for both ends of the “slide”  from a 2x4 with pieces of carpeting strapped to each end.

Although the work was not completed we were relieved to be on the road again. (about 9 AM)  Once on the highway, we road about 10 minutes and a red warning light came on and we could smell something burning.  We pulled off the road and pulled out the 1 manual we had.  It didn’t look like anything serious but Tom called back and talked to one of the men in the shop.  It turns out that the coach was just cleaning itself and burning off some carbon.   These things are scary smart.  So, on we went!

We drove through some pretty country. First through the mountains with all their rock formations and Saguaro Cactus; then, we started to climb and climb.  The terrain started to change to pine trees.  The accent culminated in us being 7500 feet above sea level with patches of snow around us in the trees. Phoenix is about 1000 feet and Palm Springs about 85 feet.  We are coming up in the world!

From there we went to the plains and gradually descended about 150 feet toward Albuquerque, NM.  We passed through Holbrook, AZ.   It is a charming town, sort of gold rush look and home of the Wigwam Motel Originally, when built in early 50’s there were seven concrete Wigwam Motels but only three remain and available for overnight stays..

We had to stop and few times and put the back end of the slide back in and re-wedge the board.  It kept popping out.  What a pain but we are at least moving East.  We passed the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert but did not stop since we visited them last year.  We rode on to New Mexico and wanted to stop in at the Acoma Pueblo Sky City (  It is he oldest continuously-inhabited community in North America.  We stopped last year and so enjoyed our visit we’d like to go back but it was getting late.  Staying in Albuquerque, NM tonight.  Lexi has enjoyed being on the road again.

Monday, March 26, 2012


We called the dealer, Robert Criss, about the coach and the bad news is that the man that was going to ship the parts last week from the manufacturer - LIED!  He didn't ship it until today!  That means we are captive here for another week.  We are trying to figure out some other options because we need to get home.  These MF RV people are impossible.  No matter what brand or dealer - THEY ALL LIE and try to take advantage of everyone. We met a man at one of the parks and he said he'd never buy a new coach because they always have too many "bugs" in them.  He likes one a couple of years old.  Now we are understanding what he is talking about.


Now, the best we can come up with is that they are going to disconnect the slide out and brace it so it can't come out.  That way we can travel.  They will ship the parts to our house - then we have to find an authorized dealer to install them.  What a mess! They said it is now ready to go first thing in the morning.  We plan to leave out early and be there when it opens   What another fine mess we have gotten into.  It's a good thing we enjoy things when they work.  Wish the house would sell so the coach is all we have to be concerned about.  Wish us luck!


We are enjoying our unexpected 2nd visit with brother Bob Gibbens. this past weekend.   The "boys" have played a couple games of golf and been busy in their spare time working jigsaw puzzles.  Sunday we were blessed to go to Church with Bob at the 1st Presbyterian Church.  The paster is amazing and everyone is so friendly.  We met a lot of nice people.  This is the foundation of Bob's social life and he does lots of good work there.  The game of golf after Church was the best game for both of the fellows so far this summer!  If we stay here long enough, Tom might have his game back where it used to be.  I went shopping and got my nails done and a pedicure.  Viva la difference!


Sweet Winston

Oh no!  They have started a new one!

The parts for our coach is supposed to be in today.  We will call around lunch time.  If it is in, they can put it on today and we can head towards home tomorrow.  We will just wait and see.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Mountain Scenery

Backing up a little.  Before we left the Palm Springs valley they got a good snow on the mountains.  The tram that we rode to the top of one earlier, had frigid temperatures and blowing snow.  Glad  not to be there then.  I am sure they shut down the tram during this time.

The snow was lovely as we were leaving towards AZ.  It is strange to see snow and palm trees together.

After getting to Mesa, AZ we contacted ex sister-in-law, Pam Gibbens, who lives near Superstition Mountain.  We met up with her and her son, Rob, who was home on leave and traveled to see some of the mountain country.  We were hoping for some of the flowers in bloom but they were not out but the mountains with their shadows were beautiful.  The previous storm left snow on the mountain tops including Superstition Mountain.  Hope you enjoy them also.

Superstition Mountain

                                             Rob, Pam, Tom Gibbens