Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Surprise was having their BBQ KC sanctioned competition while we were visiting so Bob, Tom, Mike April, and I went to see how they run theirs to compare to the Raytown BBQ.  The set up was totally different.  It was held for one day only near the Royals spring training camp.  It was extremely well attended and hard to find parking.  We had to walk quite a ways because the lots were full.  The BBQ area was fenced and they charged $10 a head just to go in.  Then, you bought tickets for $2 each which you could exchange for tastings from competitors.  Tastings were one ticket for each item and it was a small serving.   There were 32 competitors for the competition with total purse of $10,000 in prizes and beautiful trophies.

They had many vendors there like kettle corn, funnel cakes, and normal fair fare. There were also charity and company booths.  They had several of the blow up things for kids to play on and face painting. The most fun looking thing was large inflatable balls that you could get in and roll around. They had a band playing live music and the people would sit and listen in chairs or blankets on the ground.  We were a little disappointed because we thought it was a little expensive to eat BBQ this way.  They did not sell BBQ meals like Raytown does so we left and went to Red Robin to eat!

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