Friday, March 30, 2012

Albuquerque, New Mexico 3-28

On our way home, we stayed a couple of days in Albuquerque.  The weather in the Midwest looked threatening so we were in no hurry to drive into it.  Since we had been there the previous summer, we did not do a lot of touring.  We did, however, go to the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History.  The Museum is dedicated to preserving and presenting information about scientific, historic, and cultural aspects of the Atomic Age, from it's conception to present time.  Very educational and interesting about good and bad of  Nuclear Science.

We just selected a few things to photograph but it brought back memories of growing up with the threat of nuclear fallout from "Duck and Cover" to shelters, etc.  They also had exhibits about nuclear medicine amound other things.  Of course everyone loves the planes, etc. and we were no exception.

And of course, we had to get racing!


 One of the places we saw on our last visit was "Kelly's Brew Pub".  It was an old Ford Dealership that was refurbished into a great restaurant on Route 66.  Albuquerque’s premier hotspot for food, entertainment and of course beer. With over 20 in-house brews to choose from, plus "brew your own" parties.  We sat outside because it was a beautiful day. The food was good.  The french fries were a mixture of regular and sweet potatoes.  I can remember dealerships like this when I was a child.  It's great to see one preserved.  The Univ. of Arizona is nearby and you can tell it is one of their major "hangouts".

A drive through town on Route 66 is a MUST!  Oh the memories....

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