Monday, March 26, 2012


We called the dealer, Robert Criss, about the coach and the bad news is that the man that was going to ship the parts last week from the manufacturer - LIED!  He didn't ship it until today!  That means we are captive here for another week.  We are trying to figure out some other options because we need to get home.  These MF RV people are impossible.  No matter what brand or dealer - THEY ALL LIE and try to take advantage of everyone. We met a man at one of the parks and he said he'd never buy a new coach because they always have too many "bugs" in them.  He likes one a couple of years old.  Now we are understanding what he is talking about.


Now, the best we can come up with is that they are going to disconnect the slide out and brace it so it can't come out.  That way we can travel.  They will ship the parts to our house - then we have to find an authorized dealer to install them.  What a mess! They said it is now ready to go first thing in the morning.  We plan to leave out early and be there when it opens   What another fine mess we have gotten into.  It's a good thing we enjoy things when they work.  Wish the house would sell so the coach is all we have to be concerned about.  Wish us luck!

1 comment:

AmyLovesLife said...

Well that's totally crappy. I'm glad you're coming home for a little bit though. I can't wait to see you!