Friday, March 23, 2012

Mountain Scenery

Backing up a little.  Before we left the Palm Springs valley they got a good snow on the mountains.  The tram that we rode to the top of one earlier, had frigid temperatures and blowing snow.  Glad  not to be there then.  I am sure they shut down the tram during this time.

The snow was lovely as we were leaving towards AZ.  It is strange to see snow and palm trees together.

After getting to Mesa, AZ we contacted ex sister-in-law, Pam Gibbens, who lives near Superstition Mountain.  We met up with her and her son, Rob, who was home on leave and traveled to see some of the mountain country.  We were hoping for some of the flowers in bloom but they were not out but the mountains with their shadows were beautiful.  The previous storm left snow on the mountain tops including Superstition Mountain.  Hope you enjoy them also.

Superstition Mountain

                                             Rob, Pam, Tom Gibbens

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