Friday, March 23, 2012


Well, I haven't written on here lately because it's been more frustrating than fun the last few days. 

We left on Sunday the 18th to go to Mesa, AZ to the Robert Crist RV company hoping the parts they ordered for our RV were in.  The last of them came in on Monday.  Then we found out that the manufacturer would not stand behind the parts needed and we'd have to pay  for it ourselves.  Since they estimated around $1000 we were not happy.  It was the cable system that went to the satellite system that was damaged and they tried to say it was not their fault but  we damaged it.   We stayed over Monday night while we called and emailed back and forth to get the issue resolved.  This did not happen but we needed to get the repairs done anyway it went so we told them to go ahead and make the appointment for the next morning.  The next day they did the repairs and it didn't take as long as expected so it only came to a little over $600.

We stayed these several nights in the alley behind their business hooked up with electricity.  This was not in the best part of town and we overlooked dirty back yards with chickens, roosters, rabbits, dogs, old mattresses and refrigerators and all the other junk that go along with these things.  During the day, we could not stay in the RV because they had to pull it in to take care of things.  There is not a lot to do all day in that area with a dog in tow.  If we didn't have Lexi we could have gone to some movies, etc.  We did find a couple of nice parks a little further away that was great to enjoy the beautiful weather with Lexi and she liked it too.  The first day we were fortunate to catch up with former sister-in-law, Pam Gibbens, and her son Rob who was home on leave.  They took us up into the mountains near there but I will write about that on a different blog.

Anyway, we packed up to leave to venture on towards home on Thursday morning after paying our bill in protest.  I put the slides in and secured items inside coach.  Tom then pulled it out so I could drive the jeep over behind to hook it up like we always do.  When we went to get in the coach, one of the slides was out.  Tom accused me of never putting it in but I swore I did.  When we tried to pull it in, it would not go.  Thank God we were still in the RV repair lot!!!  The men came out and looked at it.  They pushed it back in then we all looked in amazement as it slowly pushed itself back out!  Well - back to the shop. The hydrolic pistons were bad and they had to order new ones.  Here we go again...  They said they would not be in until Thursday the 29th.!  That was unacceptable.  The best they came up with after numerous calls was to get them in Monday.  We had no choice but to say OK.  Can you imagine if that had happened while we were on the highway someplace?!  It could have been a mess and no place that could repair it.  Things could be worse.  The company said they have had some other problems with the pistons in others too.  HELLO!  It would be nice to get a heads up on some of these things.

There again we were blessed by having family close.  We called brother Bob and said how would you like some company for the weekend?  He was gracious and responsed with a smile, "sure".  He lives in Sun City, AZ which is about an hour across town but happy to go so as not to stay in that alley any longer.  We always have a good time with him and Lexi enjoys his dog ' Winston" (blonde lab).  Bob loves to work puzzles and had finished the one we worked on our last visit and had started a new one.  The challenge had begun!

This morning the two "boys" joined 2 of Bob's friends in a game of golf.  Tom said he still lost to Bob but was getting better.  Bob shoots in the mid 80's and Tom around 90 right now.  They are already planning their next match as they sit here working on the puzzle again.

Lexi's Favorite Place to Sit

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