Thursday, March 1, 2012


Bob Gibbens has a beautiful home in Sun City, AZ and we have been having fun spending time with him.  He is so young for his age (about 10 yrs. older than Tom) and has a terrific sense of humor and infectious laugh.  This is cherished time for us.

He lives on Alabama, a beautiful divide road lined with orange trees.  He was raised in this area and very much at home here.  Golf is a must at least 2 times a week but he and Tom are playing more.  We are so blessed that Tom's back surgery went so well and though he has not played golf in about a year, he has no pain now.  Isn't that wonderful!  I am so happy for him to be able to enjoy doing the things he loves once more.  Of course Bob delights in beating  Tom so far in their golf games.  Tomorrow is another day though.  Bob lives with his Lab, Winston.  They take good care of each other.  Lexi has enjoyed having time to spend with Winston for a change of pace.  When we go out for the day, she stays with Winston in his fenced yard.  Within the yard there is a grapefruit and orange tree full of fruit.  He even planted a lemon tree which though it is very tiny still, it has produced lots of fruit too.  Today he brought us a lemon pie that he made from his own lemons.  What a treat!!!  Bob, like Tom, loves jigsaw puzzles and usually has one going all the time.  We had to add a few pieces for him.  It will be sad to say good-bye next week but we will be back.


Anonymous said...

Donna is doing a great job with this blog!!!
Bob Gibbens

AmyLovesLife said...

I would love to have citrus trees like that in my back yard. What a gorgeous place!