Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Tuesdays at 12:10, Indio Rotary Club meets at the Montecito Club House.  Just getting there was a great experience.  It is located in a well manicured private Sun City community, built around a golf course.

We were impressed with the friendliness of the members. They have formed a tradition of each member going around each table and shaking hands and greeting everyone upon entering the meeting space. I think this would be something good for our club to adopt. Something else they did that was fun and they do each week is a 50/50 drawing. Tickets were sold for $1 each or 6 for $5. A ticket was drawn, then a question is drawn from Trivial Persuit game by the ticket owner and choses catagory. If the club can answer it, the person whose number was drawn receives half of the pot. If not, the entire pot was carried over to the next week and no one wins. That's what happened in this case. Better luck next week and pot will be bigger.

 The program was extremely good.  Dick Anderson of La Quinta Rotary Club, National Project Co-ordinator,  spoke of the wonderful Literacy Project which is a partnership between North American and Guatemaln Rotary clubs  and the non-profit organization, Coorperative for Education. The project is 100% self-sustaining.  The GLP matches Rotary clubs in North America with needy schools in Guatemala.  These clubs raise funds to purchase textbooks, library materials and/or computers.  100% of donations goes directly to support the project.  Zero percent goes to administration or fundraising. It sounds like a wonderful investment in the future.  We all know how important education is. The goal is to ensure that no child in Guatemala grows up without the gift of both traditional and technological literacy.   If anyone would be interested in learning more and/or participating in this project, just go to www.guatemalaliteracy.com

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