Tuesday, March 13, 2012


La Quinta Arts Festival is #2 in the Nation Fine Art Festivals according to ”Greg Lawler’s 2012 Art Fair SourceBook.”   It was held on the 13 acre La Quinta Civic Center campus, surrounded by the rugged Santa Rosa Mountains, is located adjacent to the west side of City Hall. The Festival features 230 contemporary artists from 30 states and Canada exhibiting their work in 11 categories.  Live music — Bolivian pan pipes, Hawaiian slack key guitar and smooth jazz — was provided all day during the festival.  There were many food stands at rest areas and meals provided by some of the local restaurants.  It was truly a feast for all your senses and enjoyed by all.

 This was a attention getter.  Besides being attractive, they had colored ball that was in continual motion within the design.

 This is an enameled metal 3-D piece with brilliant colors

 These are plants all made of metal - never die.

 These wonderful sculptures had such a high finish that they picked
up colors all around.  The spiral pieces were delecately balanced on
the base and the slightest movement would start them whirling.

These wonderful dolls were decoupaged with articles and photos pertaining to their meaning

 Look at all the wonderful metal sculptures with bobbing heads!

 I have never seen work like these.  They are totally covered with the most unusual, elegant feathers.  She also had a large variety of Mardi Gras masks using the same technique.

1 comment:

AmyLovesLife said...

Oh I LOVED the koi pond 3d piece. SO pretty. Some day when my kids are grown I just want to travel around and do art shows like that...I think that would be so fun.